
En la búsqueda de madera producida legalmente: Una guía para las empresas

Esta guía es un extracto de una publicación más detallada, Abastecimiento sustentable de productos madereros y de papel: Guía y paquete de recursos, la cual ofrece un resumen de diez temas clave y los recursos relacionados con ellos que deben considerarse al adquirir productos hechos de madera y papel.

Approvisionnement en bois produit légalement: Guide pour les entreprises

Ce guide est un extrait d’une publication plus complète, Sustainable Procurement of Wood and Paper-based Products : Guide and Resource Kit, laquelle donne un aperçu de dix questions clés et des ressources connexes à prendre en considération lors de l’approvisionnement en produits à base de bois et de papier.

Sourcing Legally Produced Wood: A Guide for Businesses

This booklet provides an overview of key legality issues in the global wood trade that businesses should consider when purchasing wood and paper-based products. Topics covered include trade regulations (e.g., the Lacey Act, the European Union Timber Regulation, and the Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition), public and private procurement policies, trade bans, and resources for meeting legality requirements.

Untangling the Paper Chain: How Staples Is Managing Transparency with Suppliers

Staples, Inc., the world’s largest reseller of office products, is in the midst of adapting its sourcing practices to ensure that its products meet not only its own sustainable procurement policy, but the requirements of the U.S. Lacey Act.

International Developments in Trade in Legal Timber

This booklet provides questions and answers on the European Timber Regulation, the U.S. Lacey Act, and the Australian Illegal Logging Prohibition Bill.

IKEA’s response to the Lacey Act: Due care systems for composite materials in China

The Forest Legality Alliance series of case studies is intended to show commercial buyers of wood and paper-based products, especially those who trade in species and/or source from places with a perceived risk of illegality, how their supply chains can conform with U.S. legal requirements on importing certain types of wood.

Tuning in: Tracking Wood from Honduran Forests to U.S. Guitars

The Forest Legality Alliance series of case studies is intended to show commercial buyers of wood and paper-based products, especially those who trade in species and/or source from places with a perceived risk of illegality, how their supply chains can conform with U.S. legal requirements on importing certain types of wood. They draw lessons from emerging best practices for managing risk in high-risk contexts to identify and highlight potential problem areas, as well as pragmatic opportunities for reducing the complexity of compliance.

Afinando: Rastreando Madera Proveniente de Bosques Hondureños a las Guitarras Estadounidenses

Esta serie de estudios de caso pretende demostrarles a los compradores comerciales de madera y de productos basados en el papel, especialmente aquellos quienes comercializan especies y/o extraen de lugares con un percibido riesgo de ilegalidad, cómo sus cadenas de suministro pueden avenirse a los requisitos de legalidad de los Estados Unidos, referentes a la importación de ciertos tipos de madera.

Are Your Wood Products Really Certified?

In November 2009, federal agents raided a Gibson Guitar manufacturing facility in Tennessee as part of an investigation under the Lacey Act. Agents were investigating the alleged use of illegally sourced wood from Madagascar in some of Gibson’s well-known musical instruments. If proven, import or use of such wood can constitute a serious felony punishable with large fines for the company and possible jail terms for any executives involved.

Setting the Story Straight: The U.S. Lacey Act - Separating Myth from Reality

This brief report from the Environmental Investigation Agency aims to clear up a number of misconceptions that emerged after the Lacey Act plant amendments were passed. It discusses such subjects as how to practice due care, the role of supply chain documentation, and the interactions between certification programs and legal liability under the Lacey Act.