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Yellow Meranti Shorea faguetiana
Also know as: yellow serraya, meranti kuning, lun gajah, lun kuning, lun merat, lun siput, selangan kacha, selangan kuning, seraya kuning, kalo, meranti dammar hitam, meranti kelim, meranti telepok
S. faguetiana, commonly known as yellow meranti, is native to Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand and can also be found in the Philippines. Yellow meranti can grow to 200 ft tall and 6 ft in diameter. The wood is light yellow and moderately durable. It is used for interior joinery, boxes and crates, furniture, flooring, light carpentry, and veneer. Its IUCN Red List status is “Endangered.”
Species Details
CITIES Status:
Not Listed
Endangered Status: